Care Package Station
The Salus Center has free health and hygiene products available to pick up. You're welcome to grab a bag of items during support groups, events, or our Resource Hours.
Currently Available
Contraception and Safer Sex
Condoms (assorted latex condoms, non-latex condoms, and flavored latex condoms)
Lube samples (assorted)
Emergency contraception (Julie)
Birth control, or "The Pill" (Opill)
At-home HIV test kits (OraQuick)
Harm Reduction Supplies
Hormone Injection Kits in partnership with Lansing Syringe Access (LSA)
12 weeks of needles, syringes, alcohol swabs, bandaids, and a sharps box
2 size options for intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SubQ) injections
Ask a group leader, Resource Hours volunteer, or event host for access
Sharps boxes
Covid-19 test kits (BinaxNOW)
Drug deactivation/disposal kits (Deterra)
Hygiene Products
Soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc.
Dental hygiene kits
Menstrual products, disposable (pads and tampons)
Gender Affirming Supplies
Gently used and new binders
Donations Accepted
At-home HIV test kits, which can be ordered for free online through Together TakeMeHome
Packaged/new n95 or kn95 masks
Hygiene products (soap, shampoo, deodorant, lotion, body spray, etc.)
Packaged/new menstrual products (tampons, pads, and reusable menstrual products like period underwear and cups)
Makeup and cosmetic products
New or gently used binders
Other gender affirming items, such as breast forms, binding tape, silicone tape for scars
Donations can be dropped off during Resource Hours.